Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Plan

Today's the big day, it's my birthday! Here's how it's all going to go down...............

Troy goes to school at 11:55. Once Troy has left I have to take Gabriel to Urgent Care.The poor kid stepped on a nail. If all goes well and according to plan once we leave Urgent care I'm hitting up Dutch Bros...Why,you ask? Because I like to live on the edge...

At approximately 2pm I will be home and  I will clean like there is no tomorrow because I'll have mass amounts of caffeine flowing through my veins.At 2:05 I will go get another Dutch Coffee.....Well more like 2:30. Then I will head back home and do laundry and dishes all the while trying to maintain my jitters of joy. At approx. 3:30 I will stake out yet another Dutch Bros. I don't know why other than I always wanted to put myself and "stake out" in the same sounds cool. If I drink anymore coffee at this point I'll probably get sick so I guess I'll have to switch to Dutch Bros. smoothies...I will have to be home by 4 because that's when the boy's get home from school. Once the boys are home I will make dinner and clean the aftermath. Then we will do homework. After homework is done I'm heading out for another shot of DB........When I make it home I will make some popcorn and we'll watch a movie......Somewhere in all the madness and my Dutch haze I'll have to make some time for shopping....for what I don't know.