Friday, September 16, 2011


 As many of you know I suffer from frequent debilitating headaches.Well today I inadvertantly found a cure......Shocking yourself with a screwed up wall plug in,LOL! My head was pounding,the kids had written all over my freshly painted walls with wood putty and spackle. I was thouroghly irritated,my head was pounding and my BP was spiking. I saw that the kids had also plugged all the electronic devices they could find into two wall sockets in one room. I began unplugging them all when one got kinda stuck. I yanked it out in time to feel that ever familiar sensation of shock running up my arm. I let it go and moved about my business when moments later I realized my headache was completely gone......Shocking,I know. :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Let me make this Perfectly Clear

  I am only one human being. If I can't cater to your every need in every single way maybe it's because I'm dealing with my children's need's first. Just because I am not meeting your needs doesn't mean I don't care it simply means I don't have time left in my schedule for you,sorry. If I forget something that you asked of me it's probably because I was BUSY. If I forget something do me a favor and don't rake me over the coals, I most likely have already dealt with 15 meltdowns by mid morning..I don't need another meltdown to deal with from you. Quite frankly my children and my sanity are more important than you.