Friday, September 24, 2010

The Academy of Nail Fail

The afternoon before last,Gabriel started to get a rash. At first we were told it was the VANCO and that it is quite common,they sent us to the ER to be safe and they seemed to think that the VANCO needed to stop and he needed to be switched to new meds. Well by the time we came in for our evening treatment the rash had got significantly worse,despite a change in meds, he was pink and spotty all over. So they sent us to the ER again  to be admitted so the ER physician (who was the bomb by the way) could assess him. We were sent to the waiting room because triage was full. While waiting for triage to open up I noticed Gabe becoming increasingly uncomfortable. He began to whine and itch uncontrollably. That's when I noticed the rash was going from pink all teh way to purple and he was now forming these weird blotches.He started to cry. I was worried,I knew that if this was hives and with how fast it was happening that his breathing could be affected if I didn't get him some help soon. Now, I am very shy if I do not know you.I should say even a tad sheepish but in this instance I had no qualms about running up to the nurses station and yelling,"I need help now my kid is turning colors!" I think that got there attention,lol, because two seconds later a male nurse came out. He took one look at my kid and said let's get him back there now! The ER doc (McKeweon) said that he was actually still reacting to the VANCO and that the rash could come and go for a couple weeks.....*sigh*.........

So the doc order iv benadryl for him. When the nurse began to administer it Gabriel shrieked and cried.He said it was burning. The nurse kept telling him to try and be still,stay calm, that it would be ok etc. etc. etc. I asked her to check the iv's canula( she didn't even check it beforehand to see if it was sticking out,bent or if his arm was swollen around the site.) Finally she got the benadryl finished and right in front of her I lifted up his IV glove to check the site for swelling (which is technically her job) Luckily the site was fine.

Now I have never seen IV benadryl administered before. It hits quick!
His reaction to it was really weird. He started throwing himself around.He was extremely irritated,not hyper, but irritated. He started to cry and say that he was very cold and hungry. He started having the urge to urinate every few minutes. He said he was seeing things and he started batting at "floaties" in the air. He had this glazed look and a far off stare going on. After all that they sent us upstairs to finally start his treatment. When I got him set up upstairs he started to get kinda pale tehn he was out like a light...asleep at last. He slept through his whole treatment. When I took him home he still looked awful but seemed to be happier. Today he is looking even better. I think we may now be finally on the mend.


Unknown said...

I've had IV Benedryl before. His reaction does sound "normal"... if you can call that normal. It would be nice to have a heads up ahead of time though, huh?

britt6 said...

No kidding. When he started swatting at the floaties and staring that's when I started to worry,lol.