Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Oh so Cheesy

Today has definitely gone better than far. All three boys got on their buses without a hitch and I received nary a phone call so far. The only thing that stinks is they each have a different bus and a different bus stop so the mornings are a little hectic. Troy getting into the shredded cheese and large tub of vanilla yogurt didn't help anything either( and yes we are now off the GF/CF diet. I'll explain in another post but it boils down to the diet being too expensive for a family of 6). Not only did I have to get them all set up and ready for school but I had to clean up half a carton of yogurt from the floor and nearly two pounds of shredded Colby Jack. Meh...could have been worse I suppose.

   As of right now I am thoroughly enjoying the peace and quiet as Emma has decided to take a nap and all the boys are at school. I have taken this opportunity to just "chill" and do nothing...oooohhhhh and I am loving  every second of it. If I could only kill my peripheral view of the messy house. :)

  I should probably get to work on the house....wait NO! I SHOULD IGNORE IT! Arguments with myself are the worst,I always lose. :( But seriously, if I don't do something soon I will be overtaken by unfolded laundry,stack's of paper and dishes......*sigh*..........Not only did I lose the argument I just lost the war.

HIGH HO HIGH HO IT'S OFF to SCRUB I GO...........................................