Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Get Sick Quick Scheme..... ;)

Well I made us Dutch Babies for breakfast with a side of sausage. Everything was delicious fine and dandy and then it hit me.......I felt light headed and nauseous. I thought I was going to pass out. I finally made an appointment with the porcelain throne in the marble So in reality I never really had breakfast. It hit my stomach and came right back out. I think what happened is I'm on some antibiotics right now and on this specific kind you are suppose to avoid foods that contain lots of sulfur and products too. Anyways I don't think my meds liked my sausage. My stomach feel's better now but I think I just exchanged up chuckin' for a headache. 

We are on to a very late lunch now......But worth the wait. Homemade mac and cheese with red bell peppers and bread crumbs.The kids have been pretty good today. Only minimal fighting,whining and crying. I will report back again tonight......

HEY! WHO STOLE MY POP!!!????..................................................