Monday, March 1, 2010


                                                     CHAPTER 16

  Well I guess I won't be able to post every day but I will be able to write about every day,make sense?lol.
Yesterday was ok, a little boring. Laz and I spent the majority of the morning cleaning the house. At noon my mother-in-law cam over and I fixed us all some Indian food for lunch. It was a new recipe from, however it definitely was not my favorite. It definitely had spice but no spark.After lunch I lazied about only helping when I needed to. The kids played outside all day, riding bikes and going to the park with Papa. I longed to get out and do some shopping but it just wasn't happening. I had fun with the kiddo's anyways. It was nice just to get some fresh air anyhow.

After a cereal dinner and shower time the kiddo's went to bed and Laz and I stayed up and watched "Surrogates" with Bruce Willis than we watched a documentary on Anna Winters. She was the woman who the movie "The Devil Wears Prada" was all about. Interesting