Friday, March 5, 2010

Home all Day

                                                      CHAPTER 22

   I spent most of the morning cleaning like crazy all due to the fact that I didn't clean yesterday like I should have. The whole point of cleaning was because I was expecting company. I think I finished cleaning with 15 minutes to spare, just enough to get the kids and I out of our pajamas and into some real clothes.

  My friend arrived around noon and I hadn't really realized until then how much I truly missed adult interaction. We chatted over tea and when that ran out we just chatted, I loved it. Meanwhile the kids just played and ran around. I made sure to warn my friend ahead of time that Troy prefers to go sans clothing and that he screams often. Within minutes of her getting here he proved both points.

 Upon entering the house Emma ran to her, though she has never seen her before. Gave her a hug and tried to kiss her then proceeded to stick her tongue out at her and wiggle around. Nearly the whole time that we were together Emma was all over her. I felt kind of bad because she's usually not that way with people. I think we ended up talking about 2 hours wonderful joyous hours,lol. I highly recommend getting frequent doses of adult interaction if you have several small children. Soon after my friend left, Paul got home and I finished picking up. Then another friend showed and shortly after Laz came home. I made dinner at 6:30 (Penne with bacon and mushrooms and garlic bread) which was from a new recipe and turned out rather bland, I wasn't to happy. Gabriel scarfed it down at least.

   After dinner Laz took the two older boys over to another friends place to have "all boy time" and I stayed home with friend #2( lol) and the two younger kiddo's. The kiddo's will be in bed soon and we are going to watch the movie "We own the Night" and then maybe another movie.....I don't what yet....