Friday, February 19, 2010


                                                     CHAPTER 8

          Today we had the "official" Birthday celebration for my baby boy Troy. It's been 4 years since his birth. We celebrated with family and a few friends. We had pizza and soda and wonderful fellowship.Tonight I will tell his tale. Troy was born in February of 06'. My pregnancy with him was an eventful one. I suffered from Hypermisis Gravidarum (severe morning sickness). I had lost nearly 30 pounds( hospitalized twice) and had developed a long lasting sinus infection that my doctor refused to treat until I ended up being hospitalized for coughing up blood clots. Around 5 months along I began to feel a little bit more normal and this feeling continued throughout the rest of the pregnancy. But by the end of the pregnancy Troy had quit growing due to IUGR and so I was induced at 38 weeks. Troy was born weighing a whopping 5lbs and 3 oz.

       Troy was a high maintenance baby, though not near as hard as our oldest. He grew at a typical rate and met all his milestones both physically and mentally. At around 15 months of age he began to regress mentally to the point that he no longer spoke and he did not respond when he was spoken too. He also began to express extreme bouts of anger/rage and non-stop high pitched screaming which he still does to this day. Because of this behavior we do not get out much and when we do Troy and I quite often get treated very poorly, it is one of the hardest things I have ever gone through. I have this beautiful Gift from God and that is all I see but others who only see a screaming child in public would rather just call him a brat among other things.

  Last year we enrolled Troy in "Early Intervention" which has helped him immensely. He has begun to talk again though he doesn't always understand what he is saying, rather he is just parroting. He said mommy for the first time just a few months ago, that was when I knew we were on the road to a better kind of normal. Things are looking up for the most part now if we could just nip this screaming in the butt than I would feel a whole lot better. He is a beautiful child in many ways I am proud to call myself his mother.