Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chuck Norris and other adventures

                                                      CHAPTER 5


    This morning, while still bleary eyed an semi-conscious I heard my mother in-law talking with Laz. I had forgot that she had Emma's car-seat from the night before and she was here to drop it off. That was around 7 this morning. After that I recall Laz telling me goodbye and then I was off to slumber-land again at least until Troy crawled into bed with me. It's kind of hard to sleep next to a small child who is eating crackers over your face, apparently he snuck them from the bread drawer. I got up and brushed off the pile of crackers from the side of my face. I looked at the clock and realized I had 15 minutes to get my oldest son up,ready for school and out the door for the bus. When I ran out into the living-room, there was Paul already awake but still in a bit of a stupor. I ran and got his clothes ready for him,popped some oatmeal in the microwave and proceeded to help him pack his bag. While Paul sat and ate I went on a search for his shoes and low and behold I found one shoe from each pair. Finally I discovered the lost treasure map to the worlds problems....ok not really, but I did find a matching pair of kicks for Paul and just in time for him to slip them on and head out the door.

     Paul waited for the bus by the front window like he does every morning. When his bus arrives he bangs on the window and tells me to wave at him when he leaves, I always comply. I'll be very sad when the day comes where he doesn't want me to do this anymore.

    After Paul had left for school, I got Troy set up with some oatmeal. He looked at it with a blank stare and then proceeded to smack the oatmeal with on open hand getting it all over himself and the counter. He eventually settled down and ate what was left then I threw him in the tub. Meanwhile Emma and Gabe woke up. Gabe came out of his room and asked if he could play on the computer. When I said no he went and sat on the couch where he stayed for awhile huddled under a throw and trying to conceal the fact that he was sucking his thumb. Emma woke up dancing with a big grin on her face, she was waiting for me to sing to her, it's something I do every morning first thing. While I sing she sways from side to side while bobbing her head around like a bobble head doll. I eventually get all the kiddo's ready and fed, luckily they all like oatmeal I just wish we could have avoided the "oatmeal smack-down."

     I home-school Gabriel using an online school called ORVA. So I got that all set up. We only had three lessons today,Math,Phonics and Language Arts, so that portion of our day was relatively short. In between lessons we watched a movie or Gabe played in his room, kinda a lack luster day really. I usually clean while he's on break but today,when I wasn't changing diapers or cooking I just sat on the computer or played with the kiddo's. Due to this my house appears to have been trampled by a stampede of sorts. As the day began to wind down I was able to go meet a couple friend's from church for coffee at one of the local Starbucks. I did this minus three children, I only took Emma. I am not quite sure I knew exactly what to do without all the noise. After our meeting one of my friends parted ways  from the coffee shop and thee other went grocery shopping with me. I don't know what it is about grocery stores but every-time I'm in one especially with a friend, I am suddenly a comedian and everything is funny.

Once I had gone home and my friend had left I made an extrodinairily late dinner ( Cheese tortellini and Italian sausage spaghetti sauce with herbed salad). Hub's and the kids picked at their food to which I said a big fat "thank you".....*sarcasm* It wasn't to much longer after dinner that the kids were in bed without to much fuss, an occasional request for a drink of water or a bathroom visit was all. after that Laz and I watched an episode of Heroes on Hulu then I got on here. That was my day in a nutshell...a very large nutshell.

I'll leave you with a word from none other than Chuck Norris (not really)......"There is no chin behind my beard. There is only another fist."