Saturday, February 27, 2010

Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner

                                                     CHAPTER 15

  This evening we went to some  friends house and had dinner( btw.....uh YUM).....we took all the kids. I hate to admit it but taking all the children over to our families houses let alone a friends house generally stresses me out due to the fact that most people can't handle my children or don't understand them. Many times I feel like people are just putting up with us rather than "hanging" out with us. Tonight was somewhat of a relief I guess. These particular friends are easy going and seem to be more patient than most despite our children constantly pestering their animals and generally running amok around the apartment playing and being loud. They have invited us over a few times now, that's like a record! There have been times,many times our own family has acted disgusted when we've come over and it can be very hurtful so to have a friend come along and be so kind and patient with us is good for our hearts.