Saturday, February 27, 2010

Buy one get one cut in half

                                                     CHAPTER 14

  Today's another two for the price of one day. I wasn't able to even get near the computer yesterday, it really was that busy. The day started of in a whirl of cleaning as I was expecting Troy's teacher and a few of his therapist at around eleven am, for a IFSP review. Three out of four were late but not by much it did make me a little concerned though because this meeting was to determine if Troy is deemed as having autism and if so what extra services that he will receive. All in all the meeting went well and he was officially diagnosed,according to the school district as having autism and in need of extra help. Now we are going to focus on getting the medical diagnosis. After our guest left the day was spent in a reckless, not really. I continued to clean in hopes that we may be able to actually have guest over for a movie and dinner.......Yeah I kinda went around that one backwards. Rebekah did show up and hung out with me for the rest of the day and into the evening, so I did get some adult interaction today but I must admit that is WAS REBEKAH I was hanging with.

   A little background, Rebekah is a good friend of mine that I hang out with nearly everyday. I do this for adult interaction but usually what ends up happening is we both end up acting like much for that adventure,huh?

   By Eight O'clock last night I was already falling asleep but I managed to power down a couple more hours watching stuff on Hulu with Laz.