Friday, February 19, 2010

2 post kinda feeling

                                                     CHAPTER 7

   Due to ridiculous circumstances I could not post yesterday, so today has become a 2 for the price of one day. Not a biggie I guess considering yesterday wasn't exactly exhilarating. I think the highlight of the day was getting some fast food for the kids. The majority of the day was spent homeschooling and wishing the house would stay clean.

  The kids where wild yesterday, constant bickering,screaming and plain ol' fighting. I tried everything from sending them outside to play,time-outs and even the dreaded "parent-child talk." You know the one where the parent say's "We need to talk,mister." When I was a kid that was all my parents had to say and then it was end of story. Finally around 5 my friend Rebekah came over and we decided to take all the kiddo's to get some fast food, Jack in the Box to be more specific. the rest of the evening was spent detangling the kids arguments,de-ranching their hair in the bathtub and then once they were in bed, resuming my search for the perfect tunic.