Sunday, February 21, 2010


                                                     CHAPTER 9

  Made dutch babies for breakfast this morning and no I am not referring to little dutch children rather a puffy oven pancake covered in strawberries,lemon juice and powdered sugar. After breakfast was over we managed to get babysitters for two of the kiddo's and then we headed off to the Lebanon Walmart to buy a bunk-bed. While there we checked out a bakery near by that had some of my artwork up. That was cool, I have never actually seen my artwork up anywhere other than a few shows I have done. Afterwards we stopped at Taco bell   and ended up running into an old friend,visited for a sec than sat and ate but mainly goofed off with Paul and Gabe they were at their finest. We headed back home and on our way we decided to stop at a another friends place to check his progress on his remodel. Beautiful house and just an all around cool place. After we finished up there we headed home when we realized we needed something else from Walmart. So Laz dropped me off at my parents place,where Emma was and I waited there for him while he went back.

Well about 2 hours after he left he called me and let me know that he was already home and busy setting up the bunk-bed with a friend. He said he would be done soon. I ended up calling him back an hour and a half later and asked him to pick us up because I was bored and wanted to cook dinner. So he came and got the kids and I and then we picked up Troy from Ma-ma's house and went to the grocery store to pick up items for dinner. We ended up having friends over and I made hot sandwiches (French bread cut lengthwise with pizza toppings) herbed salad and salt and pepper kettle chips. Once the kids where in bed another buddy showed up to watch the sleeping kiddo's while the rest of us went to Denny's to get some dessert. We were there maybe two hours and finally decided that we were all going to fall asleep in the booths if we stayed. So off to home and my other buddy whom I finished a movie with. Then on to this blog.