Monday, February 22, 2010

The Importance of Fresh Air

                                                     CHAPTER 11

   We had a rough start to our day today. I got Paul and Troy fed,clothed and on their buses respectively and on time.As soon as they were gone I fired up the home-school machine, however, Gabe's mind seemed to draw blank this morning. He could not focus,he answered everything incorrectly and he often mumbled his answers under his breath, drove me batty. After an hour and a half STRAIGHT of this behavior I had HAD it. I realized that perhaps it was time for a break from routine,maybe it was routine that was making him behave this way. But I wasn't about to let him off the hook so easy. I told him that though we were taking a vacation day from school that it would NOT be a vacation day from our chores. It took him all day and several rough patches involving mocking and back talking but by golly he cleaned his room and helped around the house.

   I had a friend over for the most of the day (she had the day off from work). She helped with the kiddo's so I could clean and it came with the added benefits of adult interaction. After 8 years of  raising my broad, my vocab has probably dropped by over half, I don't even remember what math is and my greatest skill has become speed diaper changing. Luckily this friend is nice enough to put up with me despite my obvious "issues", but I only think she does it so she can hang with the coolest kids on the block;)

   The majority of today consisted of me cleaning. Things had piled up from the last couple of days,like laundry and dishes even the garbage was beginning to overflow. I got that all squared away thanks to some helpful friends and kiddo's. I even had time to cook a new recipe from scratch tonight, "Chicken breast with balsamic vinegar and garlic." It was delicious if I do say so myself...and I do;) As the day winded down I took to shopping at Target with Troy and a friend while Laz watched the other kids. I picked up some Easter stuff, a movie and some lip gloss. After I came home, I vegged on the couch for awhile,said goodnight to my kids and then watched Laz take apart a small engine for his the middle of our living room next to our cream colored faux suede Gotta' love that nerd! And now I'm here in front of the computer writing about my day in brief.