Monday, October 25, 2010

Is Perfection Really Perfect?

Lately I have ran into,read about and heard from mothers that only strive for perfection at the expense of everyone around them. There seems to be this trend as of late, well rather a "re-birth" of the idea that mothers are superhero's and should perform as such all the while putting down in any shape or form mothers around them that seem to fall short of their ideals. Now I haven't been at the wrong end of the stick yet in this scenario ..yet. I by no means try to build myself up in front of people or put others down for their parenting skills. Although I am in a very humbling situation with my kids so I am not sure where I would be if things where different. I guess in a way I am very thankful for the situation God has put me in, it's a great mind opener. Anyways, I generally try to avoid the subject as much as possible for the mere fact that I have ran into several women who either have a fascination with "one-upping" or who think they need to explain everything they do to me as if I'm going to severely punish them if they aren't clear on their motives. I'm not God I don't need to know why you do what you do. I don't care how you parent your kids unless you're abusive then I care,I very much care.

I have heard time and time again women saying that it is so hard to make new friends once you are a mother. I really think that is due to two different things. I think one, women who are perfectionist mothers and expect the same from others no matter. Then two, their are the mothers that have been so crushed by the feeling of falling short they begin to avoid human contact all together.

I believe it is time that we quit imposing our own ideals on those around us (specifically mothers to mothers). Try to come to your friendships as just a woman first. It's true that being a mother is a defining mark on a woman but it doesn't have to be your whole identity. I am not saying to not talk about your children or to avoid the subject all together but what I am saying is that obviously some women need to connect on different levels first before they can include the ever loved "I have kids" conversation.

All in all: Remember,no one is one. Also.......We are simply called to love one another. What we are not called to do is "Love one another under our own stipulations." We are simply called to love one another. Try it sometime,make a friend and make it your mission first and foremost to love that person. Tell yourself God loves them,I love them. It brings a whole new perspective to things,though perhaps simple sounding,it will have a huge impact in your life and lives of those around you.