Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Dog Days are Over

I'm having a momentary lapse with self pity. Maybe I can chalk it up to hormones but in the last several days I've read well over a dozen Facebook statuses that have read something along the lines of "I had fun last night" or "I'm having a blast." I know I am suppose to feel happy for my family and friends and in general I do. However, in the last couple of days each post just feels like another pin prick or jab. I am stuck at home 99% of the time and feel awful lonely. I know part of it is my fault for not going out and asserting myself. On the other hand I am so tired of trying anything at this point that I guess I've kinda given up and now have hit that hard wall of "Self pity and poor justification." It's a vicious cycle,LOL! I need another outlet/job something to keep me busy and where I can meet new people. Hopefully I can wake up enough to go and find something.