Monday, January 10, 2011

After an Evening

  I couldn't sleep last night so I went out onto the couch and dug around in the word a bit. I read in Matthew for about 20 minutes. One verse struck a chord with me. Verse 3:10~

The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.

  This reminded me of a dream I had a few years ago where I was walking with Jesus through what looked like a game reserve when we suddenly came to a large grove of trees. I asked him what the trees meant and he said that the fruit on the trees are our children. He then went on to say that the trees are barren,in other words they have no fruit. He said they don't even have a bud nor a single piece of fruit on the ground. Like I said I had this dream awhile ago so I don't remember what all was said but I do remember that the grove was a warning.

  After making this correlation between the verse and my previous dream I felt extremely happy because I had always hoped to make some connections with it but I rarely had time to delve into the word and I opened right up to it last night.

  Well my story doesn't end there. I had a horrible nightmare last night the worst I've had in years. I really feel like it was an attack. I mean, I awoke from it feeling nearly paralyzed. Needless to say I woke from the nightmare at about 4:30 and I prayed until the boys had to get up at 7:30.

                                                        The Nightmare to End all Nightmares

    I was in a church that I didn't recognize but I could draw it for you down to the last detail. I was standing next to my husband,none of our children were there. The seating was like the pews or benches that we have at First. A few spaces beside me was a woman about age 40-45,average build,very blonde hair pulled back in a mess of curls. She wore a rather inappropriate skin tight thigh high pale pink dress that had sequins around the neckline. Beside her was a pre-teen boy who appeared to be her very embarrassed son. He had dark brown hair and was about half of his mothers height. She was in very high heels so I'd say she was a head taller than me (I'm 5'7" so she was about 6'). Next to her was an old family friend and his wife who I won't mention their names.

  We were in teh middle of worship and I noticed the woman next to me was very animated to the point that she was a distraction. She would grab people next her including her son and laugh, screech,hoot,holler and howl while grabbing and shaking. The family friend on the other side of her was politely trying to ask her to quit touching and grabbing those around her. In fact I would say she didn't appear to be worshiping at all. She started to get very wild and I felt like she could hurt someone with her antics,her own child looked frightened. Suddenly (and like I said this was a dream,LOL) the man next to her smacked her on the hip as if trying to spank her and gave her a stern look and then an awkward laugh.

  A man,I would assume the pastor came to the front of the church and announced that we had a guest speaker and asked them to come on forward. It was the crazy lady next to me. I immediately felt ill,something was off something was wrong,really wrong I just felt ill. The woman got up to the microphone and began talking but I couldn't hear anything she said because something started happening that was so out of this world. As she spoke I noticed her teeth began turning black. At first it was as if she just had gunk in between her teeth but then it got darker and darker until all her teeth were black. I turned to Laszlo and frantically said "Laz look at her mouth don't listen to her just look at what is happening to her mouth." Then her eyes began to turn black around the outer edges and around the pupils until it spread to the whole of her eyes. Then it was as if the blackness followed the veins throughout her face until nearly the whole of her face was black and appeared to be made of like a black marble. At that point she quit talking and stared at me.

  I woke up at this point but the face haunted me all night and the ill feeling. I prayed until I felt better and then I prayed some more. Now that I've had some time to calm myself and think a little more clearly I really feel this is an attack on me for taking the initiative to get back into the word,making the connection between the previous verse and an older dream and for signing up for my first Bible study in years.

  What am I going to do now you ask? Keep on reading.