Friday, August 6, 2010

Sick Day

Not like "Yo,this day is sick bro!"...No....I am actually sick, ya' know queasy,sick to my stomach.I don't know what I'm sick with or who gave it to me but I can tell you this. The toilet is sure to be my new best friend today. On the upside maybe I'll lose some weight. Although I can't say I've got much to thow-up. I've merely subsisted on ginger tea today. I heard it's suppose to help. Whoever said that is a liar. :)


Unknown said...

It was probably me... ha! It reminds me of when Devan was in high school and decided to see if Syrup of Ipecac really works. Well, it does. Then he wanted me to get him some gingerale for his sick tummy. "Son, you just took a medication that told your body to throw up EVERYTHING you put in it. Do you really feel the need to throw up gingerale?"