Sunday, August 8, 2010

Brewin' Strange Dreams

I had a weird dream last night. I was for sure and certain that I would forget it by this evening but no such luck. I dreamed that we (my immediate family) were living in an apartment by the beach somewhere considerably warmer than the Oregon beaches but none the less next to a beach.We had some friends over (J+T). I was in the middle of dinner when I got a knock on the door. When I answered it was a uber creepy guy ( he looked like the skinny creep at the beginning of The Sixth Sense). He was apparently our neighbor from below us and he was very upset with us but instead of telling me why he just kept ranting and raving about random things. I tried several times and politely I might add that I am sorry but I need to get back to my cooking. I tried to shut the door but each time he just kept putting himself in the doorway so I couldn't shut the door. He started getting very belligerent and was now trying to put his hands on me. Laz and "J" came to the door and I stood to the side. I watched as J and the creep started getting into a knock down drag out fight. Suddenly creep reached behind him and pulled out a gun from the waist of his pants and started to point it at J. Now for some reason none of our kids where there except for our brand new baby? Yeah apparently I had another kid,lol. So, I grabbed said baby and ran to our bedroom all the while screaming. I started to climb down the back of our building. I got down to the ground and ran around the building where our vehicle was parked. I got inside the vehicle and called 911 on my cell. Now I am not sure what all happened but I suddenly got a sinking feeling and then their was a woman who came to me. She looked very sad. She told me she is very sorry and that help is on the way...I suddenly knew that everyone was gone. I began to bawl and that is when I woke up........early,never went back to sleep.