Monday, August 16, 2010

And One More Thing

LOl...Today is the day to rant I guess. I need to get one more thing off my chest...

I have repeatedly seen people get on Facebook and say "Oh I am suffering from a migraine today."
Bull....You have a bad headache. If you had a migraine you would not be on the computer reporting it. You would be reporting to the toilet for your hourly vomiting for 4 to 5 days straight. I come from a long line of migraine sufferer's and it irritates me to no end when so many people call a bad headache a migraine. Migraines feel as though you are going to die. You cannot take any light,noise etc. You see floaties, sometimes you have ear ringing. You feel cold and clammy all over. You shake uncontrollably. The worst I've ever seen was my mother go partially paralyzed from a migraine. We thought she was having a stroke but later we found out it was just another one of her migraines. Everytime I have had a migraine I avoid the computer because it hurts to bad to look at the bright screen + I vomit when I try. There are different types of migraines. Basilar migraines run in our family though I have one uncle who has a totally different kind.

So, if you can kill a headache with a couple Advil, Excedrin,aspirin or Tylenol than you do not have a migraine. Believe me I've had several shots to prove this theory.