Monday, March 1, 2010

Play by Play Analysis

                                                     CHAPTER 17

   Woke-up at 7:30, sat a moment to collect my thoughts. Decided everyone needed Cheerios for breakfast. By 8:00 I had Paul get dressed and I began to help Troy get dressed. This morning their buses came at the same time,about 8:20. I waved at Paul as his bus drove away and I got Troy buckled in his seat on his bus. By 9:30 all the kids were fed and dressed. So I decided to go do a little shopping before Troy got home at noon. We went to Target and got the boy's some socks and shoes, which in fact were much needed.Kid's,who knew they grew like weeds?

    After about an hour of shopping we headed home. On the way I picked up some criss-cut fries from Carl's jr's. I knew Emma loves fries so I assumed she would like these......I was wrong, oh well. After several attempts at getting Em to eat her fries I gave up and aborted the mission. I would have called for back-up but there was only Gabriel and he didn't want the fries either. Lesson learned.

   I should mention that today was a break day for Gabe so while I did my thing around the house and played on the net he was busy running around being a nut. By nut I mean, he's going to grow up to be an actor ;) He has an insane imagination and frequently uses this to his advantage. For example; convincing his brother's that there really is a circus elephant in the back yard.

   Finally around 12:25 Troy came home so I started lunch.While eating I received a call on Skype from a friend. We chatted for about a half hour and made plans for later in the day. Mainly more shopping and fresh air.....I hear the two combined create a state similar to being high, for some women, personally I would be happy to get in there and get out before I'm mauled by frantic sales clerks or worse yet over-zealous women with carts and agenda's. Shortly after the Skype session my buddy showed up and we we took the kiddo's over to my parents place to visit. However it was immediately noticed that we shouldn't stay as my parents were trying to hook up a new printer/scanner combo in their office. Let's just say that it was not a "user" friendly environment ;) So we headed back home. At this time it was about 2, we stopped at Dutch bro's grabbed a double mocha for my buddy and a peach smoothie for myself,oh and a couple of suckers for the kiddo's.

   We hung out and chilled at eh house for a couple hours. Paul came home at 3 and we watched a movie with the all the kids and had snack time, played on the internet and even managed a bit of cleaning,lol. Once Laz got home, my buddy and I took Troy to my mother-in-laws to watch while we finished shopping,Laz and a buddy of his watched the older two and Emma came shopping with me. All that took till about 7:30pm when we cam home. I fed the kids a light dinner at this point and then sent them off to bed. Both our friends went home at around 8:30 but Laz and I stayed up and watched another movie and hung out. I am writing this post at 11 at night and then once I'm done it's light's out for me. Laz is already snoozing so I should get off here,neither of us likes sleeping alone.