Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tug O' War

Not much to report...
I am feeling a little more pressured lately by my kids schools. They have all these fundraisers going on,book orders and fairs,pictures,homework and field trips. Not to mention all three boys go to different schools and they each have their own things going's just been a little nuts lately. We haven't really participated in much but the pressure is still there. I mean even the fact that Gabe has pictures tomorrow and I am not sure if I have the funds for it, is just driving me batty...ugghhhh.................

I think I am just still recovering over all that's happened in the last couple of weeks. I'm still struggling with fatigue but it's slowly getting better.


Unknown said...

Give yourself freedom to say no to any of it with a clean "good mother" conscience. School pictures never turn out great anyway. They're a tradition that started before people had digital cameras and were able to record every moment of their child's life on their own.