Saturday, March 19, 2011

Belated Updates


  It's true I have been somewhat negligent when it has come to updating my blog.Truth be told I have indeed had some extra time to myself lately though I've just wanted to spend it reading. There's not a lot of new things to report. I have been trying to get things together for Troy's SS appointment but have had to reschedule twice now and I am going to have to reschedule again this Monday, I am just not ready.:( I also joined a new Bible Study,we met for the first time last night and I cried in front of everyone while I talked about my children. It was very surreal as I never cry. It's not that I am embarrassed of it, it's just not something I do. I just don't get emotional. So I was a little freaked that I started crying,again very surreal. All in all an awesome group of ladies and looking like a great Bible study. I think we will see a lot of good things come from it!

   The only other thing I can think of is that Gabriel started track this last week. So far he is ok with it but he is having a hard time with separation anxiety. He wants me to follow him around the field while he goes from event to event. Other than that he's making friends and enjoying it all with the exception of the high jump which also happens to be what he's best at,LOL! Silly kid! So other than those things,nothing much new has happened. Just the same ol' routine.